Holiday Food Basket Program
Holiday Food Basket Program
Holiday Food Basket Program
Holiday Food Basket Program
Disaster Case Management
You qualify for Disaster Case Management if you :
Have been affected by the 2023 winter storms
Have been affected by the 2024 fires
Are a resident of San Bernardino County
Are a resident of Los Angeles County
Have a case number with FEMA
Are you a victim of a recent disaster?
Victim of 2023 Winter Storms?
Click below
Victim of 2024 Los Angeles Fires?
Click below
Victim of 2023 Tropical Storm Hilary?
Our Disaster Case Management team is here to help.

How our team can help

Help families return to safe, sanitary, and secure housing.
The Disaster Case Management Program helps survivors develop a recovery plan and connects them with available resources to succeed.
Assist survivors with identifying and verifying their disaster recovery plan.
Advocate for the family when necessary and obtain services from available resources.
Assist survivors with FEMA appeals.
Advocate for survivors who were victims of contractor fraud.
Assist in providing resources about the construction needs of the long-term recovery plan.
Connect survivors to local services that can help in your recovery.
Victim of the LA Fires?
Our Disaster Case Management team is here to help.
How our team can help you

Help families return to safe, sanitary, and secure housing.
The Disaster Case Management Program helps survivors develop a recovery plan and connects them with available resources to succeed.
Assist survivors with identifying and verifying their disaster recovery plan.
Advocate for the family when necessary and obtain services from available resources.
Assist survivors with FEMA appeals.
Advocate for survivors who were victims of contractor fraud.
Assist in providing resources about the construction needs of the long-term recovery plan.
Connect survivors to local services that can help in your recovery.
Visit Catholic Charities' website to see all DCMP agencies
Call us: 909-723-1554
Email us: dcmp@capsbc.org
Our Disaster Case Management Team is located at:
696 S. Tippecanoe Ave., San Bernardino, CA 92408